About Pantec Print Decoration
Efficient high quality refining
Pantec Print Decoration provides sophisticated in-line refining solutions. Our dedicated equipment for rotary and flat bed hot foil stamping & embossing, high performance vacuum foil savers and high speed & precision hologram placement is made to provide efficient high quality refining, directly in-line. Pantec Print Decoration is an independent subsidiary of Pantec AG, a worldwide operating technology supplier for industrial applications and medical devices offering services, products and solutions in the field of machinery and medical engineering.
Pantec GS Systems AG
Print Decoration
Pantec GS Systems AG
Competence Center Print Decoration
Heldswilerstrasse 13
9214 Kradolf
T: +41 71 5210 808
Pantec (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd.
Sales & Service Center China
Pantec (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
128 Shenfu Road
Xinzhuang Industry Park
Building Nr. 18
201108 Shanghai
T: +86 21 517 60 282
F: +86 21 517 60 281
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